Button Click = Close Flow Option

🛠 Planned

Make it so I can make a button close the flow entirely (like clicking the x)


1 year ago

Alexey Sytnikov changed status to 🛠 Planned

1 year ago

Alexey Sytnikov

Interesting entry, thanks! Where in your opinion is the best way to set that?

1    1 year ago    Reply

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Having the button at the end of a flow as a close or if the user doesn't want to go through the flow they can click the button and make it close. Put the ability to enable it under "Connection Details" besides page link and external link, or put it under page link (under that add a box you can tick to make it close the flow).

1    1 year ago    Reply

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Alexey Sytnikov

@maltepruser: thanks, taken into account

0    1 year ago    Reply

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