Remove/disbale "trigger buttons" when integrating a widget

💪 Now available

Be able to not have the "trigger" buttons show when integrating the flow as a widget (really irritating to have it show always as I only need the flow as a one-off trigger)


1 year ago

Alexey Sytnikov changed status to 💪 Now available

1 year ago

Alexey Sytnikov changed status to 🛠 Planned

1 year ago

Alexey Sytnikov

Got your point, maltepruser!

1    1 year ago    Reply

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Any updates about this feature? In previous contact with support this month they tell me this is being implemented.

2    1 year ago    Reply

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Alexey Sytnikov

@Webmaster @maltepruser hi there! Yes, we're on it. There was a delay with this one. However, we're expecting to have it by the end of this month

0    1 year ago    Reply

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